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We explore and analyze alternative approaches to proof of personhood that might provide this missing foundation. Pseudonym parties marry the transparency of periodic physical-world roll-call events with the convenience of digital tokens between events. These tokens represent limited-term but renewable digital personhood claims, usable for purposes such as online voting or liquid democracy, sampled juries or deliberative polls, abuse-resistant social communication, or minting universal basic income in a permissionless cryptocurrency. Enhancing pseudonym parties to provide participants a moment of enforced physical security and privacy can address the coercion and vote-buying risks that plague today's E-voting and postal voting systems alike. We also examine other recently-proposed approaches to proof of personhood, some of which offer conveniences such as all-online participation. These alternatives currently fall short of satisfying all the key digital personhood goals, unfortunately, but offer valuable insights into the challenges we face.
Topics: Democracy Identity Personhood Security Privacy Rights Social Networks Transparency Voting | Bryan Ford |